Saturday, April 7, 2012

Human nature

I'm back in Canada now, this time for vacation. These past few years I had a little spiritual journey which was great and I've learnt a lot about myself, life, god, and human nature. I wish I could had the accessibility to this website back home and share my daily experiences with all. I will do that when I'm back in Canada.
It's now maybe a good time to mention some of the obvious. I used to have this blog called "daily dose of fantasy" in which I had a journalistic view of what was going on in the world of popularity. for some reasons I had to leave the website unattended, only to find out that someone has bought it and turned it into a pornography, someone who clearly knew about my former love for the art of masturbations. It's clear that they are people out there who watch my every moves and want nothing from me but to do harm. I'm glad that now I'm totally aware of it and that's 90 percent protection. But my aim is to find out who are these people and when that happens I will be telling everyone my story.

Yahoo is a fraud

For a couple of years now I've been following Yahoo's news and trends, only to find some evidence that it's becoming more and more like a huge fraud. This is the latest reason. and here is my comment on it which even after 10th try didn't get posted.
1. having studied journalism, I must say that this is written by a professional and not just anybody. Thus I'm guessing it's a made-up, judging by the photo itself.
2. psychologically speaking, it's true that some women have some kind of an allure that makes men and for that matter women crazy. This causes these women not only jealousy but severe fear.
3. Yahoo should be ashamed of itself for calling this a top news. And when it comes to first hand news and news trends, Yahoo is just the worst liars of all the media.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

a STYLE a day: Only for grown-ups

When you pick a doll, you pick an attitude. When you pick an attitude, you pick clothes to go with it. Your clothes eventually define your lifestyle. And your lifestyle will define your whole state of being. In this case it's being the total state of insanity.

Don't try this at home.

a QUOTE a day: Only things that revolve around love

If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.

Marc Chaghall

a PAINTING a day: Not your regulare Bible page

By Sarah Santarsiero

I like this painting for three reasons:

First, it's a trickster. Your first impression would be "oh I did this when I was at the kindergarten." But you wish. Just stare at it for a few minutes, and you will be mesmerized by the harmony of colors, space, and shapes.
Second, because of the title of it: "The progression of civil war." The power of making a piece of art political just by giving it a political name. Yet it doesn't say which civil war. So gives a lot to your imagination. That's brilliant.
Third, she is using a page from the Bible. This can explain its title considering that she sees religions as an identity issue that caused many conflicts within and between nations.

I hope she reads this and gets back to me on my comments.

a PHOTO a day: one photo, many stories

Photo by Natalia Fioroni

Ballet I may not know, but beauty I may know, and Ballet is beautiful. There is some kind of grace in every second of its movements that your eyes can't help but to trace, and your heart to tickle with an unknown joy. I haven't been to a live show, but I always admired it from distance. I remember when I was a kid, my mother signed me up for a Gymnastic class, that was in fact some kind of a basic ballet course. That's because I live in a coutry- Iran- that any kind of dance is considered to be a violation of the Islamic regulations, or as they say: it's HARAM. So they had to hide it under names and more names. I used to like it and princing around while showing it off to everyone I knew. I guess I was born an attention whore.
Anywho, I don't like this photo because of the Ballet or the photographer's great technique. I like the idea of the Ballet dancer as both a puppet and a puppeteer; A puppet who pulls her own strings while trying to keep her balance. It's a great metaphore of how the rules we apply in our life, will eventually rule our life if we let them. Every great technique is a tyranny in itself if one doesn't master it enough to be able to change, add, or apply her own rules to it. And till she gets there, she is just a pupil, if not a slave of her ignorance. No matter how picture-perfect she looks, she is just a puppet trying to maintain a balance.

An idea a day: kill the heat and save your life

It's crazy hot in almost everywhere in the world. When times get crazy people would do crazy stuff to get even. In this weather, from munching on a lot of ice cream to call in sick and sleep all day long. As long as we are on the subject of technology, I thought I shouldn't be so shortsighted and look at the good in it too. If you are lucky enough to have a decent air conditioner like I do, you are good. But if not you can make a half decent one at home. A fan, some tubing and a water pump, and a cooler is all you need. It's a rescue not a miracl. It's not my idea, but it's something I think one can elaborate based on personal experience and science grade at school.
What I like about quick fixes and DIY is that it demands your creativity more than it cost you anything. You suddenly feel like you are not defined with how much money you have, but your ability to actually use very little of it to really change things. Some people feel the need for change all their life, but they only wait till they have all the money so they can take matters in their hand. The sad truth is the day they die, they would say to themselves: "What did just happen?" Well maybe it was just a very hot day and their heart couldn't take the wave due to some technicality; Maybe too much coffee too. Anyhow, it cost them to die.

Aha Moment

When it comes to technology or the latest trends in Social media, I must admit, I'm a little behind most of the time. Maybe that's because I don't really know what to do with it. It's like you are given a piece of land in the middle of nowhere and now you have to use it just because it's yours. What's more is that like any other new technology, the application changes over time. Sadly enough, the tendency is always low or sometimes destructive as the case of science of war. There are perceptions. There are some ideas. There are some cultural tendencies around it.But there is no knowledge, no proper principle on how to use it. That's the thing with inventions. They consume more than they are capable of being consumed. Funny thing, you have to pay for that. Not just your time, potentials, energy, and other resources, but sometimes your whole human decency. But it's a reality of its own, out in the public, anonymous or not, for business or fun, that can't be ignored as a huge source of maneuvering around one's lack of power. It's a tool and tools are only good to be used for egoistic intentions. It's like a sex with no love: pleasurable, and darn empty. It can become an addiction like any other pleasurable vent. Teenagers for example must love this site. It's the place to be for them. And Facebook is really becoming a joke with all those pages that you can like. Like who the fuck cares what the fuck you like. Or what's going to happen if you join a group like this or other ones. It's a tragedy. Humanity is dying as rapidly as technology grows. Twitter is becoming the hot spot for comedians, entertainers, hoax strategist, and people bored enough to feed everyone on their own or other's absurdity. As if we need more media to feed us on entertainment. You ask me if I'm mad? No, you don't get mad at madness. You just pity it; and since I'm a part of this madness, I can't help but to feel sorry for myself. But what can we do, it's a new era. We just have to live to learn how to live it. Once it becomes the old era, we will have other issues to bitch about.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

a VIDEO a day: Beauty and the beast

Tehran Zoo from Arash Khakpour on Vimeo.

I know Arash for a while now. He is such a beautiful person inside out. I remember the last conversation we had was about love, poetry, Rumi, intellectualism, and other beautiful things. Until he sent me a link to this experimental video he made. I haven't got the chance to talk to him about it yet, but I'm surprised. What the hell were you thinking Arash? Living in Tehran is a wildlife you didn't have to go to the zoo to capture it. Is it really? Iran is an endless open source with plenty of subjects as of the world in itself for making a piece of decent video art or two.
Oh, what the hell. I'm sure he knew what he is doing. He is devoting his life to his art. But I will ask him and then I'll get back to you with his ideas. It's always the best if you don't know the artist personally when you're doing a critic. Seriously, why?

an IDEA a day: Ugly is new beautiful

It's no secret that people love to gossip. Gossiping is making; Making something out of nothing or something very little. It's a creation of something desirable- entertainment- by the means of deduction or magnification, and the tools of communication. It even doesn't need a medium. It's a media in itself. It's a mastery in a very short time. And just because many people enjoy it, it doesn't make it cheap, or lowbrow. It opens you eyes and that's what real art should do. There is an idea in every and each piece of work of shame or hatred. It's called trash; a very desirable one. It's Pop art and no less. I find it very inspirational. Not just celebrity gossip but also every bit of exaggeration that aims to entertain with always some hidden massages that is yours to encrypt. What comes next is to not just take it for granted and use it as an outlet for your own work of art, like every other inspiring thing in this world.

Now where is Andy Warhol? Andy am I right? oh, right, you are dead. But I'm sure you would agree if you weren't. And no I don't watch enough TV. I really should. I'll try. With high respect.

Paris Hilton is always a muse. Take this as a piece of ART:

"Seems like Paris Hilton, who is famous for being fucking Paris Hilton, went to South Africa to score a few hunky latina footballers (She was banging Man United’s Cristiana Ronaldo for a while!) Unfortunately, while watching the Holland V Brazil match, she got busted for having ten kilos of cannabis in her purse… OK, it was just a joint, but it was fucking cannabis… Shame, degradation, OMG… Hours after the game she tweeted, "Had so much fun at the game today. What a match! I love South Africa. It's so beautiful here. I can't wait to go on the safari this week and see all the amazing animals." Yeah, but listen richtardesse, do not try and put a fucking Lion in that Louis Vuiton purse, if it shits, it'll stink forever, then you'll have to get down to Canal street and buy another."